Part 14: Lying

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(We get interrupted by someone clearing their throat. We all turn to find our father standing in the door way)

Reginald: You summoned, Number One? 

Marcus: Sit. (He sits on a chair) You spent time with these people.What's your assessment? 

Reginald Unimpressive. Neanderthals on a day pass.Cried too much and showered too little.

(Anala Looks at him weirdly. Y/n had told her about how her father was in a different time line. She had hold her about him hiding Y/n and Vanya's powers. So obviously they were impressive, so what is he hiding?)  

Reginald: The only thing they lacked more than gritwas any regard for one another. 

(Another Lie. Anala thought)

Ben: No loyalty. We can use that. 

 Marcus: Good. Give a full report to Christopher. 

[Christopher speaks]

Reginald:  Still,  I wouldn't underestimatethe Umbrella Academy. Yes, their skills are as lackingas their hygiene, yet somehow, they saved the world in 1963. Had they not, none of you would be standing here now.  Perhaps I misjudged them. 

 [Christopher speaks] 

Reginald: Yes, yes. I'm going.

(Reginald Exits and Marcus sighs)

Anala: He's Lying

Fei: What makes you say that?

Anala: We saw how they protected each other. They are anything but unloyal. They might not communicate correctly but they still care for each other. Somethings off with him. 

(Anala walks out as the rest of the Academy disberse. Anala goes to her room to think before deciding to talk to dad so she enters his office after he is done talking to Christopher)

Reginald: Number 8, What can I help you with? 

Anala: If you found the Umbrella Academy so disgusting, then why would you adopt someone that was from the Umbrella Academy? You met Y/n, So why did you still adopt me if you were trying to avoid it. 

Reginald: She was the only one that impressed me. Her power was exceptional, and so are yours. I don't know why they are different though. Is there anything else I can help you with number 8?

(Anala simply shock her head as she walked back to her room. Her question wasn't answered but she did know that he was hiding something, and she needed to find out what) 

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