Part 45: Academy vs Academy

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*Back with the Sparrow Academy* 

(The Sparrow Academy enters the Hotel that the umbrella Academy was staying in. They were all fully suited up as they walked through the rotating doors as they heard gasps from the bi standards around them)

Luther: Oh shit. They're early. 

(They hear Luther say from across the room. The 2 families line up facing each other. The sparrows stood with Anala  and Ben standing in the middle with Christopher floating above them followed by Jayme and Sloane on their left and Alphonso and Fei on their right. 4 out of the 7 Umbrella's stood on the other side with Five, Klaus, and Y/n missing. Anala slightly smiled at the fact that Y/n was missing as she knew without her the Umbrella Academy stood no chance. Around them Bi-standards start to take pictures) 

Viktor: Well, thanks for coming. 

Jayme: Oh, yeah, super glad to be here. 

Ben: Where are the rest of you? 

Diego: Are you taking attendance? (He pauses) They'll be here.

Anala: (sarcastically) Sure they will. 

Allison: Where's the briefcase? 

Anala: Where's our brother? 

Allison: Maybe we should try this againbefore I lose my temper. 

Viktor: Allison-- 

Allison: I got this. 

Anala: Do you? You think we're scared of you? (She laughs and the rest of the academy start to as well)

Allison: Hand over the briefcase or no deal. 

Ben: Yeah, tiny problem. Deal's off. 

Sloane: (whispers to Luther) Run. 

Luther: Oh, "run"! 

(Stanley comes running in holding a Molotov cocktail that he lit on fire.)

Stanley: Molotov this, bitches! 

Diego: Stanley! Not now. 

(He drops the bottle causing a banner to go up in flames causing the fire alarm to go off as people around them start to run out of the hotel)

Stanley: Oh shit. 

Anala: (laughs as the Fire grows, she holds out her hand and the fire comes towards her) Thanks for the ammo kid. 

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