Part 112: Drunk love song

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(About an hour later Five walks up to the stage with the microphone, very visibly drunk, and grabs it as Sloane and Luther still dance while everyone else has sat back down)

Y/n: What is he doing?

Diego: I have no idea but I have a feeling this is going to be funny. 

Y/n: Oh my god, is he going to sing? 

Diego: (he smiles wide) Oh, this is going to be so good. 

(Five starts to sing along to the song that was playing over the speakers)

 Five: ♪ Come on in, Sit right down, Mr. Lonely ♪

(Y/n's mouth drops open in shock)

Lila: Wow, I didn't know he could sing.

Viktor: Me either, Is he okay?

Y/n: He's fine. He's just drunk.

Anala: Is he always this fun when he's drunk?

Y/n: Either this, or passed out. 

Five: ♪ You're too late...Mr. Sadness... ♪ 

Anala: This is entertainment. 

Y/n: No...No. (She points to the corner of the hall) That is.

(Everyone looks where she pointed as found a very drunk Ben dancing to the song with his hands in the air, while he was being encouraged to keep dancing by Klaus who was hyping him up)

Diego: Can this night get any better?

Anala: I never thought that I'd see Ben dance... or drink... or have fun. What the hell is happening? Is he the right Ben?

Lila: i don't know but either way this is extremely amusing.

Five: ♪ I can't even offer you a smile... Who planned things this way? No offense But you know, I'm still looking ♪

(Five Finishes his song and smiles at Y/n and she smiles back. He jumps off the stage and walks to her, being a little wobbly.)

Y/n: How much have you drank tonight? 

Five: Only one... bottle. (he looks down pouting) Are you mad at me?

Y/n:(she laughs) No

(Five smiles giving Y/n a kiss before everyone goes outside) 

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