Part 93: Weird Family

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(Later everyone starts to disburse and go their own ways)

Y/n: Where did Viktor go?

Five: I don't know, I haven't seen him since right after containing the Kugelblitz

Y/n: Why do people keep disappearing?  

(They go around looking for Viktor until they go to their father's old office where Five knocked on the door before open it to find Viktor sitting on the couch.) 

 Five: Hey, want some company? 

Viktor: Sure. 

Y/n: Great

(Five closes the door behind them and goes over to get a cigar from the desk)

Viktor: Hey, that was really nice of you. Kill Mom so Diego didn't have to. 

Five: My God. We are a weird family, aren't we? 

Y/n: That's an understatement 

Viktor: Sorry. Yeah, I heard it as I said it. 

Five: It's all right. 

(Five sits down on a chair adjacent to the couch and Y/n sits next to Vikor) 

Viktor: What are we gonna do about Allison? 

Y/n: We're all worried about Allison, butwe are also scared for you. 

Viktor: Seriously? 

Five: Yeah. 

Viktor: She killed someone. 

Y/n: She's not the only one.

Viktor: I was trying to do the right thingand save Harlan's life. 

Y/n: In doing do you also endangered the rest of us.  

Five: Do you know why we wanted this last jumpto work so badly? 

Viktor: Because you're both old and tired? 

(Y/n stifles a laugh)

Y/n: Not quite.  

Five: It's because we slaughtereda boardroom full of people to buy our way back here.

Y/n: And I brought back something in me I never wanted to see again

Viktor: And what would that be

Y/n: Anala. 

Viktor: What? 

Y/n: Not the Sparrow Academy Anala. When I was little and rejected my powers, i pushed them away so much that they formed their own person, an alter ego of  sorts. She is made of everything I hated about myself

Viktor: How did you know she was back?

Y/n: When we slaughtered all those people, part of me liked it. 

Viktor: Shit. 

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