Part 39: "God"

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(Y/n enters the elevator and Diego pulld Lila aside to talk for a minute and when she comes back Diego looks broken making Y/n want to knock the crap out of her but she settled for a death glare for now.)

*With the Sparrow Academy*

(Anala is laying on her bed practicing with her new found ice ability as she froze a flower that she had make making it resemble glass  when there's a knock on the door.)

Anala: Who is it?

Ben: It's me and Fei, Anala

(Anala uses her wind power to open the door and Ben and Fei walk in)

Anala: What do you want?

Ben: We just met with the Umbrella's. Allison and Viktor.

Anala: What does that have to do with me?

Fei: When you talked to Y/n did she mention anything about a briefcase?

Anala: Yeah, It's how they got here. Why?

Ben: We made a deal with them for the safe return of Marcus in exchange for the briefcase. 

Fei: So we need your help finding it.

Anala: Okay then

(Anala stands up and is about to walk out the door when Fei stops her)

Fei: One more thing)

(Anala stops and turns around)

Anala: What would that be?

Fei: We asked Grace where it could be.

Anala: And?

Fei: She said "In the basement"

Anala: So look in the basement. Why do you need me?

Fei: She said it was "In the basement. With god"

Anala: (laughs) God is in our basement? Does she need a software check? 

Fei: she also said something about Marcus being "gone and called home by god"

Anala: I thought Marcus was taken by the Umbrella's 

Ben: We think they lied to us. They might not have Marcus after all. 

Anala: So they lied saying they have him

Ben: Exactly

Fei: So what's next?

Anala: We find the briefcase, Find out what it does... And we find out what the hell is in our basement. 

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