Part 140: Something's off

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*Back in oblivion*

(Five, Y/n and Viktor watch as Reginald continues to pace  while reading something in his book until walking upstairs, soon followed by Allison sneaking up the stair)

Y/n: You're still telling me that she's not involved. 

Viktor: Come on Y/n, she's our sister. 

Y/n: That betrayed us. She's not the same Allison we knew.

Five: Y/n's right Viktor. We have to be cautious.

(Moments later Ben goes up the stairs followed almost immediately by Allison stroming down looking angry)

Y/n: Something's off

Five: Definitely

(Soon after Reginald comes back down talking loudly) 

Reginald: Gather up, children. Now that we've had a chanceto catch our breath, the real work can begin. 

Five: Ah, the mythof the seven bells, eh? 

Reginald: Exactly. Somebody's been paying attention. 

Diego: Okay, so we find the bells, then what? 

Reginald: No, no, no. The bells are just a metaphor for this. 

(He hold up his notebook and show everyone a drawing of a symbol)

Five: The sigil. 

Reginald: Correct, Number Five. The sigil is the key to the seven bells. 

Y/n: Of course because god forbid anything with you be straightforward.

(Lila starts laughing while Five, Viktor, and Diego try to hide their laughs)

 Reginald: Once we find this symbol, we're one step closer to resetting the universe. 

Sloane: What do we do when we find it?

Reginald: I don't know. 

Y/n: Excuse me? 

Viktor: We're herebecause you said you have a plan. 

Reginald: I do, up to a point. 

Lila: Great. So we'll just stay in the hotel forever, staring at the walls and eating bad sushi. 

Allison: Finding the sigil isour only way out of here and the best chancewe have of resetting the universe. 

Five: Funny how you and Dadare on the same page again. 

Y/n: Tell me Allison, How do you know? How do you know anymore about this than we do? What are you not telling us? 

Allison: Nothing. 

Y/n: So what? You are putting your blind faith in dad? You made that mistake once and what did it cost you? Are you really willing to make it again? 

Viktor: (interrupting the conversation to prevent a fight) Okay, uh, where do we start?

Reginald: We'll split into groups. I will go with Allison and Sloane, Y/n and Ben and Five with Viktor.

Viktor: No, we want Allison. 

Five: Ben for Allison. 

Y/n: We've trained together,so it makes more sense if we take Allison. 

Allison: Yeah. No, thanks. 

Viktor: Why not? 

Y/n: Yeah, What's wrong, sister?

(The way Y/n said sister had a slight venom to it and Allison looked over to Reginald)

Reginald: Splendid idea. Allison, you go with the Umbrellas.Sparrows, stick together. Everyone take a different floor. We must find that sigil

(Everyone starts to walk away)

Diego: What about us? 

Reginald: You're a duo. Nobody wants to listento your endless bickering. Now, spread out, leave no stone unturned,and meet back here in 30 minutes.

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