Part 115: My creation

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*With Anala*

(She was sick of not knowing. She went to find her father, if  anyone had answers it was him. As she walk toward where the room she heard her father's voice, seeing Allison walk out of the room but didn't have time to question it as she walked into the room to see Reginald standing in the middle of the room)

Reginald: Anala, I wasn't expecting you to come after me?

Anala: What am I? 

Reginald: I'm not sure I understand the question.

Anala: I'm not like everyone else.

Reginald: Obviously not, you have extremely strong abilities. 

Anala: I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ALIVE. If I truly am this time lines version of Y/n than I would have been dead like the rest of them. 

Reginald: You are overthinking this Anala. You are perfectly fine.


(In a second his whole demeanor changes)

Reginald: So you finally found out.

Anala: I'll ask again. (She creates fire in her hand) What am I?

Reginald: My creation. You see, I am not human either, I am something that this planet would call an alien. You are my biological daughter... well kind of. I created you. After I met Y/n in the 1960, I created you as a way to unlock her full power when she came back. It's all part of my plan.

(Anala stays quite in shock for a minute. She was a creation. Was she ever real?)

Anala: Did you every care about any of us?

Reginald: Of course I did . You guys are the only way to get what I want

Anala: And what exactly is that?

Reginald: You don't need to know that information. You won't be around long enough to see it. Now that Y/n is at her full power, she has enough energy to do what I need her to do. And that's all because of you. But unfortunately, I no longer need you. 

(In a matter of seconds his hand turns into something inhuman with  a sharp scythe looking tool on the end. Before she knew what happened she felt a piercing pain across her body as she fell to the floor. Green blood started seeping out of her body as her ind blurred from the amount of pain. She felt someone dragging her, putting her body in a dark space. He was hiding her body. Would her siblings know what happened to her? Would they fall for his tricks again? Would she die for nothing? She was tired of fighting,  that was all her life had been, and the moment she started to live, he took it away, showing her that she was truly just made to be a pawn in his game. She wasn't going to try to fight it, it was no use, so instead she smiled at the memories of her siblings, hoping they would be safe. Her family was the last thing on her mind as her mind blurred and she took her final breath in pain, before it all stopped, the world went black, and she went still, the ghost of her last smile still on her face.)

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