Part 109: Party Crasher

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(Their Father starts walking around, and gets a plate of food while everyone starts to mutter in a mixture of confusion and anger)

Anala: What the Hell is he doing here? 

Five: Who even invited him?

Y/n: Probably Klaus.

Allison: He better not sit with us.

Y/n: What if I kill him?

(Everyone at their table pauses and looks at Y/n. After a minute of silence Anala speaks up again)

Anala: Can I join you?

Y/n: Sure, why not.

Allison: I'll help.

Five: No killing anyone.

Y/n: Why not? he deserves it.

Five: I'm not saying he doesn't deserve to die for everything he has done, but he's going to die in the next day or so anyway.

Y/n: But he deserves to go more painfully. 

Anala: I agree. 

Allison: Same here.

(Five sighs and gives up as everyone take a drink. After Reginald sits down he looks around at everyone, then starts to make an awkward smile.)

Allison: He can smile?

Y/n: Not well. 

(Allison gets up from the table and goes to get another drink while Diego and Lila get up and start to walk over to them. Anala stand up and walks over to where ben was eating alone. Leaving Five and Y/n alone at the table. Not a minute later Diego and Lila are back sitting down and Y/n leans over to Diego.)

Y/n: How did that go?

Diego: Actually... better than expected. 

(There was a clunking noise and everyone looks over to see their dad hitting a glass with a fork, about to give a speech as he grabs the microphone)

Y/n: This is going to be fun.

Five: or awful, we'll see how it goes. (Y/n laughs and Five grabs her hand)

 Reginald: I know it is customary ...for the father of the bride... Sloane, ever since you were a little girl, I've always knownyou were exceptionally bright. And though I can't sayI know Luther all that well, from the few moments we have shared, it seems you found yourself an adequate partner. 

Five: He just called Luther adequate. [snickers] 

Diego: Nicest thing he's ever said to him.

Y/n: Pretty sure that's the nicest thing he's ever said period.

Klaus: The kerchief really softens him though. 

Lila: Shh!

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