Part 99: Engaged

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Sloane: What if it's... nothing? 

Five: Then it's been nice knowing you all. 

Y/n: Whatever's on your bucket list, we recommend you do that now. 

(They all sit in silence for a couple minutes processing the information they just got. Five squeezes Y/n's hand before wrapping his arms waist and holding her close as they sit down on the edge of a platform that was in the corner.)

Luther:  Well, on that... super happy note, we've, um (Both Luther and sloane stand up holding hands)... Oh, what the hell. 

Sloane:[laughs] Okay. 

Luther: We've, uh, gota little announcement to make. 

Anala: Oh god, What did you do now?

Luther and Sloane: We're engaged! 

Ben: (mumbles) Kill me, Jesus. (he drinks out of a flask)

Anala: (Mumbles to Ben) Why can't you be happy for your sister. 

Ben: (mumbles back) I would if she was marrying into any other family on the planet.

Anala: (mumbles) Well we all destroyed the plant so there is  no other family to marry into left, you dipshit. 

(Over with Y/n and Five)

Five: (sighs) Idiots. 

Y/n: (whispers to Five) Come on Love, Let the kids have their fun before we all get sucked into a black hole

Five: (Whispers back) Why do they have to hold a wedding at the end of the world. 

Y/n: (Whisper) If you recall, we did too.

Five: Yeah but that was when we had saved the world in the 1960's before we came back here to yet another apocalypse. 

(Back with the whole group)

 Allison: Now? 

Luther: Yeah. Look, we realizethe timing is less than ideal. But, obviously, it's now or never.Am I right, Five?

Five: Don't drag me into this, please. 

Luther: Y/n? 

Y/n: Yeah, If that's what makes you happy in your final days then, do it. You have my full support, and whatever I can help you with I will be glad to do so.

Luther: Thank you Y/n. It means a lot.

Sloane: What... Whatever time we have left,we wanna spend it with all of you. So we're super pumped if you would join usin the banquet hall at 6:00 p.m. for a celebration of our love, and the official union of what's left of our two great families. 

Luther: Dress code is creative black-tie.

Anala: Despite not knowing what the hell creative black-tie is supposed to mean. I'm happy for you both. Congratulations.

Sloane: Thank you Anala. (She goes and hugs Anala and Anala hugs back) 

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