Part 141: A split team

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(Allison, Viktor, Y/n, and Five walk through the hotel looking for the sigil. They enter another one of the rooms and begin searching) 

Allison: Someone went througha lot of trouble to hide this thing. 

Viktor: How big is it supposed to be?

Allison: You know,dear old Reg didn't say.

Y/n: Really? Hm. That's surprising. 

Five Yeah, We figured you'd know more about his plan. 

Allison: Sorry, what's that supposed to mean? 

Five: I saw you and himin the White Buffalo Suite during the wedding. 

Viktor: I don't know if now's the right time-

Allison: You know, I heardthat you blacked out last night. 

Five: I did, and it took me a while to remember what I saw, but I do remember, Allison. Plus their are other reasons. You know Y/n figured it out first. 

Allison: And what made you think that Y/n?

Y/n: After hearing what Five saw, and that he didn't remember who he saw with Reginald, I started to think. Only 2 people left before me during the wedding. Anala and you. Considering Anala is missing and most likely dead. That leaves one candidate. (She points to allison)

Five: You and Dad made some kind of deal. 

(Allison laughs but Five and Y/n continue to glare at her)

 Five: What did you agree to?

(Five walks up to Allison)

Allison: A deal? With Dad? Please tell me you're joking. 

Viktor: They're not. 

Y/n: You are avoiding the question Allison. That naturally signifies guilt that you are trying to cover up something 

Five: Just answer the question. 

Allison: You're out of your minds. 

Five: You and Dad make a deal,now Luther is dead.

Allison: (laughs) Okay. 

Y/n: Our brother's death is funny to you. (anger starts to rise in her voice)

Allison:  Luther was killedby whatever the hell that thing is. 

Five: And Klaus? 

Allison: He didn't make it into the tunnel. 

Y/n: He was right behind us. He should have made it in. 

Five: You know, your dealis costing people their lives. 

Allison: Do you really thinkthat I made a deal with Dad to kill Luther and Klaus 

(She looks around and no one responds)

Allison:  I'm done. I'll meet you in the lobby. 

(Allison starts to walk out)

Y/n: Allison!

Allison: What?! 

Y/n: If I find out that you did betray us, and that betrayal cost Luther ans Klaus their lives. I will rip you apart with no hesitation. I will burn you to the ground. I will freeze your blood. I will think of a million different ways for you to suffer. And I won't care that I once called you my sister. 

(Y/n glares at Allison one more time before she walks out) 

Viktor: Hey... Hey, wait, no. Wait... Y/n.  Allison. 

(Viktor goes after Allison leaving Y/n and Five. Both of them walk through the door and realize that the hallway was not the same one they were in before they entered the room

Y/n: Viktor? Allison?

(No response) 

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