Part 145: Kill the Damn thing

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(Sloane starts to run up the wall but the guardian throws a knife at her, slicing the side of her stomach and making her fall to the floor. The Guardian starts to approach Sloane, spinning his knife in his hand, but Five blinks behind him with a raised axe. The guardian turns around, smacking Five causing him to fall down)

Ben: Okay, I'll help. What do I do?

Y/n: Why are you asking me? 

Ben: I don't know. I always used to look to Anala for guidance when I don't know what to do. She's gone, so you are the closest thing. Do you have any ideas? 

(Y/n looks up to see the guardian getting closer to Five so she speaks quickly to Ben)

Y/n: We know he's not effect by fire but I can try to freeze him but I need you to distract him. 

Ben: Ok..Ok.. When? 

(Y/n looks over the guardian as he continues to get closer to Five)

Y/n: Now. 

(Ben takes a deep breath before turning around as tentacles come out of his chest as he pushes himself above the washing machine and sending the tentacles after the guardian, wrapping them around it.Ben starts to tighten his tentacles around the guardian but he uses his sword to cut the tentacles causing Ben to scream and fall back but when the guardian turns around Y/n stands up and freezes him in place allowing Five to plunge the ax into its back causing it to fall to the floor, unmoving. They all look around to each other then back at the guardian's body and smile. Five walks over to Y/n and hugs her close to him)

Five: Are you okay? 

Y/n: Yeah, Yeah I'm okay. Are you okay? (She runs her finger lightly across the cut on her cheek.)

Five: I'm okay Love. 

(They both smile and as Y/n lays her head on his chest and Five nuzzles his head in her neck, while Ben checks to make sure Sloane's okay.)

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