Part 146: Klaus is Back

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(Ben, Sloane, Five and Y/n finally make it to the lobb. Five still had Y/n's hand tightly in his grasp as they entered the lobby to Find Allison, Viktor, Diego, and Lila already there along with... Klaus. Y/n couldn't help herself as she dropped Five's hand and ran to Klaus hugging him tight)

Y/n: Klaus. 

(Klaus hugs her back)

Klaus: Hey sis!

 (Viktor looks between Five and Y/n after she lets go of Klaus)

Viktor:You look like hell. 

Five: Why don't you try killing a guardian?

Viktor: We just did.

Ben: So did we. 

Y/n: So there's more than one. 

Sloane: Klaus, I thought you were dead. 

Klaus: Yes, yes, I'm alive and amazing, despite Dad's attemptsto bash my brains in,(Diego and Lila come over to join them as everyone stands in a circle around Klaus)  but tearful reunions later. What you guys need to knowright now is that Dad killed Anala. I met her in the afterlife. (he turn to Ben and Sloane) She asked me to tell you both that she loves you very much and to keep fighting and that she believes in you (he turns back to the rest for a moment then to Y/n) She told me that you are not going to survive this.

Y/n: How could that possible for her to know that? 

Klaus: Dad apparently told her a lot before he killed her but since you are the power source of the bells. You can't step on the sigil because you won't come off again. (He turns back to the rest of the group and starts speaking loudly, leaving Y/n in shock with the new information Klaus gave her) Dad killed Luther.  And he locked me out of the tunnel, 

Y/n: (snapping out of it) Called it. 

Klaus: (he gets even louder and points to the bell on the counter) and he rang that stupid bell!

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