Part 62: Plan B

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(Five goes behind the bar and starts handing out shots to everyone)

Viktor:So this Kugelblitz, it's...? 

Y/n: The end of everything. 

Five: Every rock, every star, every atomsucked into a radiant black hole. 

Lila:  Randomly collapsing matterevery moment in time across all existence till nothing's left. 

Five: Hate to say I told you so, but... 

Y/n: Well that's bullshit.

Viktor: Y/n's right, You love to say I told you so. 

Five: When it comes to this, I was kinda hoping I was just paranoid.

Y/n: Well you are that too.

(Five playfully glares at Y/n)

Y/n: But hey that paranoia has saved your asses a lot so, it's fine

(Five takes a swig of the bottle, leaving an awkward silence between everyone) 

Lila: You know, it's impressive.  Whoever knocked off your mumshated you all enough to end the entire universe.

Viktor: We don't know that. 

Y/n: What else would it have been? I mean what happened to them definitely wasn't an accident and clearly not natural. 

Allison: It doesn't matter who created the thing. We just have to kick its ass. 

Luther: Oh really? How? Are you and Diegogonna punch it in the Kugel? 

Y/n: Was that your attempt at being funny, because if it was, I mean good for you for trying but, it needs a lot more works.

(Lila bursts out laughing as Viktor Five and Allison snicker, and even a small smile finds its way onto Luther's face) 

Five: The best plan is to go back in timeand eliminate the paradox and destroy whatever it wasthat took out our mothers and stop the Kugelblitz before it starts,but we can't do that. 

Y/n: Briefcase is kaput. 

Allison: And why the hellcan't you just jump us out of here? 

Y/n: The first time he did it, you didn't see us for 17 years.

Five: Last time I tried that,we all got trapped in time. Do you really wanna risk that again? 

Viktor: What's plan B?

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