Part 68: Consequences

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(An hour later Y/n, Five, Klaus and Luther are waiting for Viktor, until they see him walk down the steps)

Five: Hey. (They start walking over to Viktor) It's time. 

Y/n: Where's Harlan? 

Viktor: He's gone. 

Luther: You let him go, didn't you?

Viktor:  Harlan's deathis not gonna stop the Kugelblitz. 

Y/n: It would have given us a chance, and he would have died anyway with the apocalypse, You solved nothing V.

Viktor: It's just gonna be anothertragedy on a tragedy, and we can find another...  I will find another way.

Y/n: That's the problem. You're not alone in this Viktor.  Your one of us. Your actions have consequences.  Consequences that could end the world. Which no offense, you've already done. And the first time, I don't blame you. It's something you couldn't control and I get that, The second one wasn't your fault. But this. This was pure stupidity.

Luther: Y/n...

Y/n: NO! Listen, V. I've tried, I always have. I mean, your my brother. My family. You always have been and I will always love you, but you told me as a kid that you always wanted to be a hero. I hate to break it to you. This isn't what heroes do. They make sacrifices for the good of the world because they know they can't save everyone and saving the majority over one that would have died anyway. I know you think you are saving him, but your not. What you did wasn't saving, it was selfish. 

Viktor: (in a loud voice) How would you feel if Five had to sacrifice you to save the world? 

Y/n: I would hope to hell he would. We've worked too hard to let the world end. (she takes a deep breathe.) I thought you would understand that. (She walked back to the bar)

Luther:  Well, congratulations, Viktor. [chuckles] You managed to destroy everything. Again. (He walks away)

Five: I really thoughtyou were smarter than that. 

Klaus: (Jumps of the bar) Well! That went great!

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