Part 91: Trapping the Kugelblitz

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(The Kugelblitz continues to grow smaller as Y/n and Anala obsorb it's energy and Viktor and Lila keep it stabilized with Sloane shrinking it) 

Sloane: Christopher, now! 

 [Christopher speaks]

(Christopher breaks apart  and circles around the Kugelblitz as everyone continues to condense them. Ben, Luther, Fei, and Diego all start to move closer looking at ball of light growing smaller and smaller as Sloane start to lower herself to the ground. Anal and Y/n are glowing red because of all the fire power they are absorbing while VIktor and Lila are glowing white as they use their power. Five blinks back into the basement and moves closer to the Kugelblitz while keeping an eye on Y/n as she was shaking from all the energy. Once the ball gets small enough christopher starts to close around it trapping it inside as the rest let go as they breathe heavy as Five goes straight to Y/n)

Five: Are you okay?

Y/n: (breathing heavy) I'm fine, Five. I promise. 

(Five pulls Y/n to a hug and kisses her forehead)

Five: You're burning up.

(Y/n smiles tiredly as she smiled)

Y/n: Considering what I just did... that makes a lot of sense. Is grace...?

Five: (nods) Yeah, she's dead. well "dead"

(Y/n giggles as Y/n leans her head on Five's chest.) 

Five: (to everyone else) Did it work? 

Sloane: Next Kugel wave in three, two,  one. 

(Luther grabs Sloane hand as Chis shook a little then farted)

 [Christopher speaks]

(Everyone smiles, Diego hugs Lila, Sloane hugs Luther. Ben and Fei go over to Anala to make sure she's okay as Allison goes over to check on Y/n who is still hugging Five)

Allison: Are you Okay Y/n? 

(Y/n smiles and nods)

Y/n: We did it Ally

(She smiles and hugs Y/n before letting go and standing next to the couple. Y/n looks over to Anala who was hugging her siblings with a smile for letting go and turning to everyone.) 

Anala: We did it, We won. 

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