Part 4: Fight

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(Klaus interrupts the silence between the Academy's) 

Klaus: Psst. Ben-er-ino. You look so much better alive than you do dead. Am I right?  Except that haircut.

(The Sparrows pause for a second and look at Klaus like he's crazy because.. well he is)

Ben: What the hell did you just say?

 Klaus:Come on, come on. Stop with all the hostility,Mr. Grumpy Pants.  Oh wow. Nice scar. Muy macho. 

(Klaus walks closer to Ben)

 Ben: Shut your mouth! 

 Klaus: (Swings his arm out) You shut your mouthand just hug your brother--  

(Ben swings and punches klaus in the face causing him to stumble back. Seeing her brother hurt Y/n gets angry and her eyes start to glow) 

Luther: Hey! What the hell? You didn't have to do that!

 Ben: Oh, I'm pretty sure I did!

Alphonso: That's right he did

(Y/n gets pissed and before anyone can stop her she throws an ice shard that barely missed his neck)

Ben: Nice try, You missed.

Y/n: Did I? (She smirks)

(As she finished saying that her eyes glow again and the shard dislodged from the wall and flies back towards Ben stopping right before the back of his neck. Fei tries to make a crow fly at Y/n to make her loose her concentration but she freezes the crow mid air. Jayme tries to spit at her so she'll loose her concentration too but Y/n blocks it with an Ice shield)

Y/n: I don't miss. (She creates a small flame that makes the ice melt before stepping back smirking as she had gotten her point across. Scanning the sparrows she saw them looking at her in shock except for Anala. In that moment Y/n knew she was going to try something so Y/n created an ice shield around her entire family. As she did she saw a gust of strong wind pass them created by Anala. The wind stops and her barrier falls. she looks over to Anala who is looking at her with a smile.)

Marcus: (stepping forward) Get Back! 

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