Part 43: Work Together

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Lila: This is insane. There is no way we're gonna get past thisto make it to the Commission. 

Five: Okay, perhaps we can't get to trust, but there is a certain honestyin white-hot hatred. 

(Lila starts to walk back to the breaker rooms)

Lila: Then come over here,you god-awful little shits. 

(Five and Y/n follow her into the room as Lila hold outs both her hands)

Lila: And hold my hand.

(Five and Y/n look at each other and back at Lila before Five grabs her hand and Y/n's hand as they go into the breaker room. Lila starts to hook up the briefcase to the breaker)

Lila: (she finishes setting it up and steps away) Okay, relax.

 Five: I can't. Your breath is terrible. 

Lila: Garlic is for winners. Enough foreplay! (she screams and grabs onto the handle of the briefcase and Five's hand as Y/n puts one hand on Five's shoulder and one hand on Lila's so she can transfer energy to them)

Five: This is so stupid. 

Lila: Power up, shithead. 

Y/n: You have no Idea how much I am resisting the urge to strangle you right now.

(Lila laughs causing Y/n to role her eyes. Five and Lila both start to use their powers causing a small blue orb to form around their hands that are both on the handle of the briefcase and Y/n starts to transfer her energy to them both. The energy ball grows bigger as the 3 strain to keep their powers going)

Lila: Let me in! 

Five: I can't! It's too much! 

Lila: Don't bitch out on me now! 

(Y/n starts to transfer more and more energy to Five and Lila)

Five:  I hate you so much! 

Lila: Then get this right, or it's the 3 of us in the Stone Age forever! 

(The 3 continue to strain until the portal grows and they can jump through)

Lila:  Now! Do it now!

(They finally jump and look around to find they are outside the commission but it's snowing heavily and freezing cold)

Y/n: We'll it's definitely not the Stone age. 

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