Part 58: Tattoo

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Five: Son of a bitch. 

Y/n: What's this?

(Y/n points to the tattoo on Older Five's chest)

Five: That's new.

Y/n: Last time I checked you don't have that tattoo.

Five: No, I most certainly do not... Do you have your swiss army knife?

Y/n: Always. (She takes the knife out of her pocket and hands it to Five) 

(Five grabs the knife and flips it open. He starts cutting around the tattoo and Y/n looks away)

Y/n: What are you doing? 

Five: If I take it with me than we can figure out what it means.

Y/n: So you're just going to carry around a piece of rotting flesh with you?

Five: Well... 

Y/n: What do you want?

Five: It can't rot if it's frozen. 

Y/n: So you want me to freeze it?

Five: Can you do it in a way that in a way that can make it possible to still see the tattoo?

Y/n Of course I can. 

(Five hands Y/n the flap of skin he cut off the older version of him and she looks at the blood on the back of the piece of skin.)

Y/n: Ew. 

(She uses her water power to clean of the blood and dirt on the piece of skin before creating a clear layer of ice that froze it but still left it soft enough to fold without breaking as she handed it back to Five.)

Five: Your power will never stop amazing me Love. (he smiles as he put the piece of skin in his inside pocket) 

(Five looks back at the Older Five and then to the box that held Y/n's body)

Five: Let's get out of here.

(Y/n nodded and kissed Five on the cheek as they walked out of the bunker to find Lila in the hallway.)

Y/n: Ready to get out of here?

Lila: Yes Finally. 

(Y/n looks at Five)

Y/n: Are you ready Love?

Five: Yeah, Let's go home, my beautiful wife.

Lila: Eww, you two are disgusting 

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