Part 98: Don't save the world

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Five: Look, The universe is disappearing outside. So you can keeprearranging the deck chairs of the Titanic if it makes you feel better. But the fact remains that we are too late. 

(Both Diego and Ben scoff)

Luther: Five, come on. 

Y/n: It's over, Luther. We failed. 

Viktor: Come on. It can't be over over. 

Diego: Yeah, come on, Guys.We gotta figure this out, man. 

Five: Okay. How about we take a step back? Look at the big picture here. Most of us have spent the last 28 daystrying to stop the world from ending. What exactly have we accomplished? 

Luther: Well, we made some friends along the way. 

Y/n: I don't know what to say to that. 

 Five: Incorrect! You know what we've done? Nothing. We made things worseevery single time. 

Allison: Amen to that. 

Five: [sighs] Look, when we wentto the Commission, I had a conversationwith my 100-year-old self.  And my last words were,"Don't save the world." 

Viktor: "Don't save the world"? 

Five: "Don't save the world."

(Y/n saw the pain in his eyes as he remembered what happened when they were in the bunker but she knew that he was leaving out something "Don't save the world, or you'll lose your own." What would that mean? The world to Five was his family, unlike Y/n he didn't show it, but he cared about them just as much as she did and the world was literally going  up in flames)

Diego: That's the stupidest thingI've ever heard. 

Luther: Is it?Well, whatever we're doing's not working. All we ever dois save the world for a day, pat ourselves on the back,and then everything goes to shit again.

Y/n: Bingo.

Viktor: Yeah, maybe we're the problem.

Allison: Oh, yeah. Us. [scoffs]

Lila: So, wait. Your big plan is no plan? 

Five: Exactly. Conscientious objection. 

Y/n: Why the hell not?We've tried everything else. 

Five: Look, maybe this isjust what the universe needs. I say, embrace the apocalypse.See what's on the other side. 

Sloane: What if it's... nothing? 

(Five sighs and reached for Y/n's hand) 

Five: Then it's been nice knowing you all.

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