Part 134: Freak

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Klaus: All my "life,"I've been a loser, I've been a freak

Anala: We all were freaks. That's what made us special

Klaus: And look where special got us. We all die just the same, special or not. 

Anala: Huh (she looks down thinking and back up again) Yeah, your right but you can undo it. Unlike normal people, you can go back. The rest of our abilities are useless once we are dead, but not yours. You can undo death. If that's not special, than I don't know what is. 

Klaus: I know what you are trying  to do Anala. And it won't work. 

Anala: Worth a shot. 

Klaus: Listen. I'm not going back there because what's the point anymore. 

Luther: What are you talking about?

Klaus: I've made mistakeafter mistake after mistake, but all of that was a sign, you see. 

Anala: A sign for what exactly?

Klaus: It was a sign that this is my home. It's where I'm meant to be. 

Luther: This shitty place? 

Klaus:  Come on! I meant in the ethereal, silly, (He sits up and points to Luther) with you, (he points to Anala) and you, and the rest of the sparrows can join if they want, and all our other ghostly eternal pals. (He leans over his chair and sweeps his hand throughout the barren land around them)

 Luther: Where the hell does that leave me? 

Klaus: Eating pizzas and watchingcool documentaries with moi forever.

Anala: (sarcastically) Now doesn't that sound like a blast?

Luther: So wait. You're just gonnaturn your back on our family? 

Klaus: I wouldn't worry about it too much. They'll be here soon enough.Everybody dies eventually. Am I right? 

Luther: Mm. Yeah, I mean, we're all dead, right? 

Klaus: As the Dougie, baby. 

Luther: As the Dougie! 

(Anala looks at them both confused as they start dancing a little)

Klaus: Yeah! 

Luther: So what happens if I do this?

(Luther uppercuts Klaus making him fall back in his chair and role onto the sand) 

Anala: This just got a lot more entertaining. 

(Klaus stands up and starts laughing)

Klaus: Nice try, big guy, but there ain't no pain in the Void. Yeah! Take your best shot! 

Luther: Challenge accepted.

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