Part 127: Into Oblivion

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(The Hotel shook suddenly as the Kugelblitz start to absorb the remainder of the world. Ben sticks his head out of the room and pulls back in with a terrified look on his face.)

Ben: G-Guys? Hey, guys! 

(Five and Y/n eun to look out to door to find the kugelblitz expanding.)

Y/n: Shit (She steps back inside followed by Five)

Sloane: What are we gonna do with Luther? 

Five: Okay, we're out of time!The Kugelblitz is here. (Diego grabs the spear gun)

Reginald: Everyone Into the passage! It's the only way!

(Reginald runs to the door opening is as Lila walks in. Diego pushed Y/n a little ahead of him to make sure she got in alright with Five following close behind but before they made it to the door, Viktor stopped them)

Viktor: You agreed to stay! 

Diego: They killed Luther, all right? 

(Diego runs past him and goes through the door)

Viktor: Y/n!

Y/n: Listen Viktor, I tried to deny it but anymore! I love the adventure and I live for the fight and they killed one of my own. They killed our brother, So now I'm going to kill them. 

Reginald: Come on, children! Hurry! 

Sloane: (Still clinging to Luther's body) We can't leave him. 

Allison: (kneels down beside her and tries to pull her away and Klaus kneels in front of Sloane trying to comfort her) We go now, or we're gonna die. 

Sloane: No, God. 

Allison: We have to go

Klaus: Come on.

Five: Hurry.

(They keep trying to get her through the tunnel and eventually they do and Allison pushes her into the tunnel following close behind)

Reginald Children! Hurry, please! 

Klaus: (Grabs Y/n and Five and tries to push them through the tunnel) Come on! 

Reginald: Go, go, go! 

Klaus:Come on! What are you waiting for? 

Five: (Five yanks his arm away from Klaus and grabs Y/n, storming toward the door)This isn't over! 

(They run through the tunnel, going further and further into oblivion)

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