Part 142: Shifting Hotel

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(Five walks to the other side of the hallway where there was once was a clear path there was now a wall with 3 paintings. Five hit the wall to find it was solid and looks back to Y/n with a confused look)

Five: What the hell?

Y/n: I think the hotel just shifted. How the hell?

Five: That's not supposed to happen. 

(Y/n notices the number next to the door.)

Y/n: Weren't we on 3?

Five: Yeah why?

(Y/n points to the number that now said 5)

Y/n: I can't even say I'm surprised anymore. 

Five: Alright, So now the fun starts

(Both Five and Y/n walk back into the room which also had slight changes from the last one. Walking out another door they start roaming the halls. Soon they start to hear voices and Y/n starts to walk towards them but Five grabs her hand)

Y/n: What? 

Five: We don't know who's there. It could be a guardian 

Y/n: I doubt it but okay. 

  (They walk closer until they recognized the voice and they turned a corner to find Ben and Sloane arguing) 

Five: I can't believe I'm saying this.I'm actually glad to see you guys. 

Sloane: What's wrong? 

Y/n: The hotel is changing.

Five:  We've been walking around in circles,but it's like the thing is alive. 

Ben: We should get to the lobby.

Five: Tried it. 

Y/n: Whatever direction we choose, we end up in the same spot. 

Ben: Or maybe you have no sense of direction. 

Y/n: Or maybe you are an immature asshole with daddy issues who doesn't know how to shut up

 Five: Okay, If you have such a good sense of direction then you lead the way, Magellan.

(Ben huffs and walks in the same direction Y/n and Five came. Sloane looked at the couple as the 3 of them start to follow Ben.) 

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