Part 89: Trapping "God"

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(Allison, Lila, Anala, and Y/n  follow Five down to the basement where Viktor now is, standing on one side of the Kugelblitz. Lila stands opisite him and Anala, and Y/n stand opposite each other on either side of the glowing ball with Sloane in front and everyone else standing behind them)

Viktor: Okay, how do we start? 

Sloane: Have you ever moved a nest of bees?

Y/n: Who in the hell would move a nest of bees.

Lila: No one, ever, because that's weird. 

Sloane: You can't just pick it up.  You have to keep the nest calmwhile you build a box around it,  and then you trap it.

Lila: When did you pick up a box of bees to know this, why would you trap bees? 

Anala: Trapping the "bees" isn't the point. What Sloane is trying to say is that if we just trap this thing it we could mess everything up and blow up the universe in the process.

Lila: Okay, understood.

(Christopher speaks) 

(Sloane activates her powers and starts floating as her hands glow white)

Fei: Good Now, Anala and Y/n, You both need to absorb some of the fire energy to weaken the Kugelblitz so that it is easier to trap. 

(Y/n and Anala nod and start to get ready to absorb the energy)  

Five: Wait, Are we sure this is safe?

Y/n: Five, I'll be okay, It's nothing I haven't done before. 

(Five nods and steps back as Anala and Y/n start to absorb the energy from the Kugelblitz.)

Fei: One of those black holes insideis vibrating at a different rate.

Viktor: I can feel them.

Fei: Good. Whatever happens,don't let them speed up or change, or everything will blow. 

Vikor: Don't shake the bees. Got it.

(Viktor starts to glow and creates a force field around the Kugelblitz)

 Fei: Lila, when you're ready, do exactly like Viktor. 

(Lila copies. Five and Allison watch Y/n, nervous to make sure she is okay. Ben keeps a close eye on both Anala and Sloane to make sure they are okay, while Luther can't take his eyes off of Sloane and Diego keeps an eye on Lila. Sloane starts to use her power as she condenses the ball with the help of the other 4)

Luther: Hey, what's she doing? 

Ben: Using its own gravity to condense it. 

 [Christopher speaks] 

Luther: That's pretty cool, huh? 

(They continue to condense it as everyone starts to push harder as their powers are getting drained)

Grace: You didn't tell meyou were building a prison for God. 

 Diego: Mom?

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