Part 22: Viktor

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Viktor: It's, uh, Viktor. 

Diego: Who's Viktor? 

Viktor: I am. (he pauses) It's who I've always been. Uh, is that an issue for anyone? 

[Klaus chuckles] 

Deigo: Nah, I'm good with it.

 Klaus: Yeah, me too. Cool. 

Y/n: I'm proud of you Viktor. (She smiles at him)

Five: Truly happy for you, Viktor.  But last time I checked,you don't speak for this family. 

Y/n: Vik, If you were going to make a deal with Marcus, you should have had me come with you, God knows what could have happened. He could have tried to hurt you, or...

Viktor: (cutting off Y/n) Y/n I'm Fine, I promise. it's fine, Everything's Fine. okay?Marcus totally gets it. He doesn't want a war any more than we do.

Y/n: Part of me doesn't fully believe that. 

Viktor: He really doesn't. 

Diego: What are you talking about?He tried to homicide us! 

(Y/n gives him a confused look)

Y/n: Despite the improper grammar of Diego's statement, he is right. They just tried to kill us.

Viktor: Anala tried to kill you and you became all buddy buddy with her.

Y/n: It's different.

Viktor: How?

Y/n: She's me. (Y/n takes a sip of her drink) 

Klaus: Lila tried to kill us too, and Diego had a kid with her. 

Diego: That's not the point! 

Y/n: It might no be the point but Klaus has a point. 

(Diego glares at Y/n and she giggles)

 Viktor: We made a deal. He's gonna give back Five's briefcase,then we're gonna get out of the timeline. We're gonna meet later todayfor the, uh, the handover. 

Klaus: Oh, thank God! 

Diego: That's a rookie move. Dude is playing you.

Y/n: You think everyone is playing you

Diego: And I'm usually right 

Viktor: Oh, really?

Diego: Yeah, but maybe we can use this.  And we turn it back on them,and then we wipe them the hell out. 

Y/n: Diego, stop, please.

Viktor: And you're not gonna,like, do anything today. 

Klaus:  Except bond with your spawn. 

Diego: Alleged spawn. 

Viktor: I will get the briefcase,  and then we will all go backand fix the timeline. 

Five:  Hey, we're not going anywhere!This is a perfectly acceptable timeline. 

Viktor:  Yeah, why don't you tell that to Allison,who's upstairs grieving her daughter, who doesn't even exist here! 

Y/n: what? (Y/n gives Viktor a sad look feeling sadness for Allison)

Diego:  Not to mention, we've been replaced by a bunch of blobsand cubes and birds and shit!

Y/n: Still hung up on that aren't you?

Five: News flash, geniuses! It's not about us! Take a look around.  If you hadn't noticed,there's no doomsday. There's no apocalypse. The sun is shining. Birds are doingwhatever the hell birds do. That's all that matters.We're done messing with time. And We officially retired. 

(He holds his drink up and walks away to get food)

Klaus: (sniffs the air)  Is he wearing aftershave? I'm concerned.

(Y/n laughs before getting up and following Five) 

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