Part 75: New Member?

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Luther: Mom? 

Ben: (Whispers to Anala) Did he just call her mom? She's a robot.

Anala: Apparently in their timeline is was less robotic and more motherly to them.

Ben: But she was still a robot?

Anala: Yup. 

Ben: That's so weird.

Anala: Yup...

Luther: (not hearing them) Are you all right?

Grace: Of course. Why do you ask?

Anala: (mumbling) Maybe because your eye is missing

(Ben stifles a laugh as Grace handed the box to Luther)

Ben: Open it. 

(Luther pauses before looking between the box, Ben and Anala. When he opened the box he found a new looking red sparrow academy uniform. Luther's eyes widen as Fei walks into the room with one of her crows following close behind. Luther stares at it for a second more before looking back at Ben and Anala)

Luther: I can't take this. 

(After he says that Sloane walks into the room excited with a big smile on her face as Chris follows closely behind her)

Sloane: Oh my God. (She walks quickly to Luther then looks at Ben and Anala) Are you serious? 

Anala: We talked it over and we agreed that we'd rather have him with us than against us. 

Ben: And with the... relationship growing between you both we figured that he was trustworthy enough to be the new member of the Sparrow Academy.

Sloane: (smiles at ben than looks at Anala) How much convincing did that take? (she laughs)

Anala: Not much, We both agreed that it would be best to have a new member, it was just a matter of who and my first choice wasn't likely to take the job. (She looks over to Luther, scanning him up and down) But he'll do.

Ben:  Aren't you gonna try it on?You're about Marcus's size

(Sloane realizes the blank look on Luther's face)

Sloane: Hey. What's wrong? 

Luther: I'm honored. Really, I am. I just... I'm still an Umbrella. 

Sloane: Are you? 

(Ben starts to smirk)

Ben: You can stay as long as you like.

(Ben walks out followed by Fei and Chris and finally Anala after placing a loving hand on Sloane's shoulder with a warm smile before walking out) 

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