Part 41: I Wear What I Want

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*Back with the Umbrella Academy*

(Five, Lila, and Y/n go into the breaker room of the hotel after lila got redressed, and Five changed into a suit in order to recharge the briefcase. Five grabs 2 electrical clamps and opened the breaker box and connects them to the wire)

Y/n: You know I could just shock it right? I mean I can control lightning. 

Five: Of Course I know that love, but if I can avoid you getting hurt, then I will.

(Five finishes up as Y/n roles her eyes. Once Five finishes he walked over to Y/n who was leaning against a wall and kissed her forehead.)

Lila: You don't have to be gross

Y/n: If you think kissing is gross then why did you bang Diego?

(Lila ignores her and Y/n roles her eyes)

Lila: Nice suit. 

Five: Thanks. Tailor in the lobbyis a master craftsman.

Y/n: There's a tailor in the lobby?

 Five: Yeah, it's comfortable too.

Y/n: (whispers in his ear) It looks good on you too.

(Five smiles and kisses her forehead) 

Lila: Still, I will miss those pasty knees. 

Five: Yeah, well, we could all stand to beshowing a little less skin these days. (referring to Lila)

 Lila: [murmurs] For you. [outloud] Tell that to your girlfriend

(She nods her head to Y/n wou was wearing a sports bra, leggings and a leather jacket)

Y/n: I wear what I want. 

Five: First of all she's my wife, Second she naturally runs hot so with normal clothes she gets overheated. And last, she looks good in it, So be nice to my wife or I won't hesitate to kill you.

(The room went silent and Y/n puts her hand on Fives shoulder)

Y/n: Anyway, lets get on with this. 

Lila: Yeah, Ready to hot-wire this briefcase?

(Five grabs the other 2 clamps so he will be able to transfer his power to the briefcase)

Five: Let's do this.

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