Part 42: Recharging the Briefcase

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(Five grabs the other 2 clamps a Lila turns on the breaker causing a  wave of electricity and five to scream in pain, causing Y/n to bite her lip as Lila laughs at Five as the briefcase lights on fire from the power and Five stops and drops the clamps as Y/n absorbs the fire that was now on the briefcase as Five leans against the wall clutching his hands in pain as Lila left the room)

Y/n: Are you alright? 

(She puts her hand on his shoulder)

Five: That burns like hell.

Y/n: Want some ice?

Five: (smiles) Yes please.

(Five held out his hand to Y/n as she put a small layer of ice over his hands to cool them down and Five smiles and sighs in relief)

Five: Thank you, That feels better

Y/n: Of course, Now we need to have a little conversation with phyco 

(Y/n and Five exit the room to find Lila sitting on a table)

Lila: Yeah, I was 99% sure that wouldn't work. 

Five:  Well, I'm glad my pain amuses you. 

Lila: You have no idea. It's like my therapy. 

Y/n: You are insane

Five:  Well, now we are downto one half-dead briefcase, and my jumps are only accurateup to a couple minutes. 

Y/n: So, essentially, we're screwed. 

Lila: Maybe. Maybe not. (Lila smiles)

Five:  Oh, I hate that smile. 

Lila: Listen, on your own, your little jumps are rather pathetic. But if we powered up together, you blinking, me mimicking that blink, and Y/n transfering energy to both of us, I think we could create some kind of feedback loop and get enough juice to jump-start the case. 

Y/n: The three of us together? 

Lila: We'd have to trust each other.

Five: Lila, you just spent the better part of the last ten days trying to end my life. 

Lila: You killed my birth parents. 

Y/n: Fair enough. 

Lila: And your entire family stood by while that greasy Swede put a cap in the woman who raised me.

Y/n: The Handler was going to kill you, Lila. She didn't give a shit about you. 

Five: In fact, she did kill you. Then I rolled back time and let the meatball do his work.  Oh, and by the way, if you're leading Diego on as payback for what happened in Texas, you're pissing up the wrong ladder there 'cause that idiot may actually love you.  The Handler never did. 

Lila: What do you know? You spent decades shagging a human lighter. 

Five: Do not talk about my wife like that, Lila.

Y/n: Call me that one more time Lila, and I will light you on fire. 

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