Part 57: Don't save the World

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Older Five: You must be here because of a...  Kugelblitz. 

Lila: Is that like a cheese blintz?

Y/n: It's German for "ball of lightning." 

Five: It's an extra kinkykind of black hole.

Y/n: That's one way to describe it

Lila: The kind that cansuck up entire timelines. 

Older Five: Bingo. 

Five: So, how do we fix it? 

Older Five: (starts laughing that turn into coughing) You don't. 

Five: If you created all of this, then you must have created a solution. 

Older Five: All that will be left is... oblivion. 

(Y/n and Lila perk up at the name oblivion)

Y/n:  Oblivion? 

Lila:  What do you mean? (Lila presses on the table causing the can to come undone and it to pop open. Showing the older Five's body as scrawny and emaciated and missing an arm with  tattoo in the middle of his ribcage)

 Older Five: This is what you have coming. 

Five: Listen to me, you ass. Me and Y/n just spent the last 20 daysrunning around saving the world from apocalypses, only to keep trying to save the world. Now We are stuck in these pubescent body,my hormones are raging, and all I wanna do is go outand buy a 1970s Corvette Stingray. 

Lila: Take it easy on him, Five.

Five: Lila, this is between me and myself, so stay out of it. Thank you. Now, this Kugelblitz,it is not some tiny leak that we can simply fixby patching a couple of pinholes. It is a giant trash compactorwhich is grinding up the universe and consuming it whole. So tell me how you stop it! 

Older Five: Whatever you do...don't save the world... or you'll lose your own. (The heart monitor starts beating extremely fast and then goes silent as the light turns off and everything powers down)

 Five: What do you mean, don't save-- Five! How do I fix this?

Lila: (reaches over and checks his pulse) He's dead, Five. 

Five: (takes a deep breathe) Can I have the room? 

Lila: Er... I don't think I shouldleave you two alone. 

Five: Lila, I need the room.

(Lila walks out  as Y/n puts a hand on Five's shoulder before stepping to walk out too)

Five: Not you, Please.

(Y/n nods and grabs Five's hand to show him she's not leaving) 

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