Part 122: Pawns in their games

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(Five led Y/n to the room where he had spotted Reginald talking to someone. When they entered it Five started pacing around the white carpet that was on the floor, looking for any evidence that could have been left behind from the person Reginald was talking to.)

Five: There has to be something left. 

Y/n: What exactly would they leave behind Five. 

Five: I don't know 

(Y/n sits on the couch as Five continues to pace)

Five: Why would one of our siblings make a deal with dad? 

Y/n: The world is ending. That could cause someone to do something rash. 

Five: Not this rash, enough to team up with someone they hate. 

Y/n: You and I teamed up with the Handler to go home. We met up with her to get a lead on the apocalypse and who caused it since we were out of options. We made a deal with her, knowing we couldn't trust her, as a way to stop the apocalypse and go home.

Five: That's different. We didn't know what we were getting into. We were to young.

Y/n: We were in our 50's, Five.  The first time we didn't know but what about the 2nd, or the 3rd. We continued to trust her after she screwed us over again and again and used us as pawns in her game, the same way dad is doing. (Y/n lets out a non-humorous laugh as she realizes something) Our whole lives, We were just pawns in their games. 

(Five doesn't respond but looks down as if realizing the same thing now that she's said it. He walks out of the room without saying anything and she was about to follow when she looked back at the carpet. It was a fur, bright white carpet, except for one tiny spot, almost unnoticeable to the human eye. She kneels down next to it and looks at the stain. What could that be? Reaching out to it, she found it odd. She couldn't recognize it. She knew very few thing that would leave such a bright green stain.) 

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