Part 107: Married

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(Everyone gets outside where there are chairs set up with an arch and an aisle for the wedding. Klaus stands in the middle to officiate the wedding. Luther waits at the end of the aisle with Viktor at his side as the best man. Everyone takes a seat minus Sloane and Anala. Ben sits on one side while everyone else sits on the other. Diego sits next to Lila, Five sits next to Y/n with Allison on the other side of her. Music starts playing as Anala walks Sloane down the aisle. Once they reach the end, Sloane stands opposite of Luther and Anala stands next to her as her maid of honor, holding a bouquet of flowers that Sloane had handed to her and Sloane grabbed Luther's hand as Klaus starts the wedding.)

Klaus: Dearly beloved, we're gathered here todayfor a good time, not a long time, so let's have a good time, huh? (Everyone starts to chuckle at Klaus's speech) ' Cause the sun can't shine every day. Can I get an amen? 

Sloane: Amen! 

Luther: Amen! 

(Everyone starts cheering, Diego whistles and Y/n claps)

Five: Amen. 

Klaus: Luther, do you be takingthis banging hottie to be your lady? (Klaus motions to Sloane with his hand causing everyone to smile)

Luther: I do.

Klaus: Sloane, do you promise to love and cherish this big hairy bastard for the next...(he leans across to look at Y/n and Five) How long do you both think we have left again?

Y/n: Around a day or so before the world ends for the 3rd and final time. 

Klaus: 24 to 48 hours? Give or take a day. Right Y/n?

Y/n: Close enough. (She smiles and Klaus goes back to the ceremony)

Sloane: I'm gonna try. (Sloane starts to tear up)

 Klaus: Well, then... (he starts to fake cry) I'm sorry.  I pronounce you married as shit! Viva la apocalypse!

(They both kiss and everyone cheers)

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