Part 151: The Price

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(As Y/n steps on the final star causing the stars to light up and the machine makes a turning on noise as Blue lights come down from the ceiling. One ray of blue light falls on each of the siblings, as a lightning looking streaks connect all the siblings in a circle, each streak coming out of each of their chests. All of them had one streak connecting to Y/n who was now slightly hovering above the group and started to float higher. Another one of the lightning like streaks blasted out of Y/n's chest, hitting the Guardian, causing him to collapse. The blue steaks disappeared. The guardian died but the machine didn't turn off but started to change from the hotel lobby into a gold glowing room with a console in the corner. Reginald entered the console, turning it on as the blue lights continued to rain down on the siblings, seeming to consume the life out of then as they felt weaker by the minute. As Reginald moved things around on the console everyone started to feel weaker by the minute. Y/n floated high above the ground as hers and everyone else's looks became gaunt and hollow as the color drained from their skin leaving it a grayish color.

Allison: This wasn't part of the deal.You're hurting them.

Reginald: I can't stop now. It'd shut down the machine. 

Allison: What machine? I don't understand. 

(Yellowish glowing particles start to exit each of their bodies)

Reginald: The hotel was just a facade. We're stuck inside a machinein another dimension. Whoever created the universebuilt this place. 

Allison: What does any of thathave to do with them? 

Reginald: The particlesinside their bodies are the only things that fuel the machine. 

Five: (in a strained voice) He killed Luther. He tried to kill Klaus. He won't stop until we're all dead. 

(Reginald does something and the pain intensifies causing everyone to scream)

Allison: Okay, you need to stop! 

Reginald: I'm almost done. And when I am,you and I will get what we came here for. 

Allison: No, you're killing them! 

Reginald: Everything in life has a price.

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