Part 102: Sadistic Lunatic

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Reginald: Now, there's a nameI haven't heard in some time. 

Anala: Of course not, because you through him out the moment he displayed any care for the children that you should have cared for or never adopted.

Ben: ANALA! Enough.

Anala: One, I don't listen to you. Two. I'm not wrong. 

Five: When we spoke to him, he confirmedwhat we've always suspected about you. 

Reginald: Which is? 

Y/n: That you're a sadistic lunatic who should have never been allowed to adopt children, let alone eight of them because he's planning on gamblingall of our lives in yet another pointless mission just so you can get what you want with no regard for the world around you because you are a selfish bastard. 

(Anala starts to chuckle)

Anala: Finally someone has the guts to say it. Thank you Y/n.

Y/n: Anytime. (She death stairs Reginald)

Reginald: Anala, I am very disappointed in you.

Anala: I don't remember caring. 

Reginald: (turns back to Y/n and Five) And you both, you'd take the wordof a disgruntled chimp over that of your own father? 

Five: (Five teleports in front of Reginald) Every damn day. 

Y/n: Same here. 

Luther: Nobody wants you here, Dad. You should leave. 

Ben: Hey, you don't speakfor all of us, big guy. 

Y/n: No, but I bet most of us agree with him.

Luther: Feel free to join him.

(Y/n smiles at Luther, Happy to see him finally stepping up to their father)

Reginald:  I see. So this is what it's come to.

Reginald: Insurrection. (Klaus steps in)

Klaus: That's not the kind of erectionwe're driving for here, all right? Everybody just needs to be cool. Clearly, you guys are ona different chakra frequency right now. Hey, Pops, let's go havea nice cup of tea in the suite. 

Reginald: (klaus grabs his arm and starts pulling him away) Let go of my arm. 

Klaus: Luther, Sloane. Oh my God. I'm beyond thrilled. You guys are gorgeous.Amazing. Send me your registry!

(Klaus continues to try and pull Reginald away but He keeps fighting it)

Reginald: Stop this at once. 

Y/n: I'll make this simple. Either you leave or I freeze you where you stand.

(Y/n stands up and her hand starts to smoke with a light blue color and her eyes flash bright blue and Anala soon stands up next to her copying her)

Anala: And I'll help.

(With that he stops fighting and Klaus pulls him away. Everyone starts to walk off as Anala and Y/n power down and Y/n turns to Luther when it is only him, Viktor, Five and her are left in the room.)

Y/n: Hey, That took a lot of courage to stand up to dad like that. I'm proud of you Luther.

Luther: (he smiles) Thank you Y/n. That means a lot.

(Y/n gives him a smile before grabbing Five's hand and walking off) 

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