Part 54: He is now

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(After a 5 minute drive the remainder of the Sparrow academy arrive in the Alley behind Hotel Obsidian to see Viktor leaning against a car and Luther and Sloane hugging)

Anala: There she is.

Ben: Why is she hugging him?

Anala: Because she likes him, you dumbass.

(Anala steps out of the car as Sloane and Luther separate followed by Ben, Fei and Chris. Luther walks away and Sloane runs to Anala to give her a hug.)

Anala: Hey, You okay? Did they hurt you?

Sloane: No, No I'm fine.

(Anala nods as Sloane goes over to talk to Fei as Luther get Alphonso's and Jayme's body that were wrapped in a black bag and put them in the truck as Ben and Chris watch him before walking back to the front of the car with everyone else)

[Christopher speaks] 

Viktor: Well, this is it. This puts an end to it. 

Ben: No. 

Luther: What do you mean?

Ben: We want the old man too. 

Fei: What are you doing? 

Ben: You wanted a plan. Here it is.

Fei:It's a stupid plan.

(Ben ignores her and She turns her head to Anala in hopes that she would say something against  Ben's plan)

Fei: Anala? You're okay with this?

Anala: Yeah, For once I actually agree with him.  

Viktor: He isn't a part of the deal. 

Ben: He is now. 

Anala: He killed 2 of our siblings, you really thing that we were going to let that go unpunished. 

Sloane: Ben, Anala, they aren't working with him.They had nothing to do with the attacks--6

Anala: Then this should be a problem.

 Ben: Then they won't mind finding himand handing him over. 

Ben: It's simple. Bring us the man who killed our siblings,and this will all be over. 

Anala:  If not... (Anala makes the wind blow extremely hard causing the trees to shake violently and the earth starts to rumble underneath them) We will have being issue to deal with, won't we?

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