Part 10: Walk around the park

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(The academy starts to walk around the park thinking about what to do next)

Allison: What are we doing?

Klaus: Ruminating. Why is everyone staring at us?

Diego: Because we look likethe damn Village People just lost a fight.  (Diego takes away Klaus's cowboy hat and they start fighting)

 Klaus: Gimme that. (Klaus jumps on Diego's back) Hey. 

Diego: Ow!

Y/n: Boys behave (Y/n gets Klaus off of Diego and grabs the hat from Diego and gives it back to Klaus)

Klaus: Thank you Blazey (He says in a baby voice that makes Y/n giggle)

Allison: You know what? I need to go find Claire. I will catch up with you guys later. 

Vanya: Hey, Allison, no. First, let's get somewhere safe,clean up those cuts, and then we'll go find her. 

Luther: (looks up at a sign of the sparrows) Man, I hate those guys. Look at 'emwith their... stupid smug... 

Klaus:  You can do it. You can do it.

Luther:  ...s... s... smug...  smugness. 

Y/n: (pats his shoulder) You tried buddy

Klaus: [sighs] Keep working on it, big guy.You'll land one, eventually.

Allison: But honestly, what are we doing? We can't stand herebleeding out in this park. 

Diego: I don't know, but we better gear up fastbefore they come for round two. 

Vanya: What makes you thinkthey'll come after us? 

Diego: Because I would.  

Klaus: Yeah, we did break into their house... 

Allison: Our house.

Klaus: ...bust up all their nice antiques and shit. 

Luther: Yeah. I don't think the crime-fighting...super nerds are gonna let that go. 

Diego: Plus that Anala girl seemed like wanted blood.

Allison: Then why didn't she fight?

Y/n: She was curious about why I looked like her and why we were there. 

Allison: Y/n don't tell me you talked to her.

Y/n: I did and she seemed nice

Allison: The girl that tried to rip you apart with vines? 

Five: Let's just thinkof some place off the radar where we can lie lowand not draw attention. 

Diego: What kind of a weird-ass placeare we not gonna draw attention?

(Klaus starts to spin in a circle and the whole academy looks at him. Them he stops and looks like he had an idea)

Klaus: I know a place. (He starts to walk off and the rest follow him sceptically) 

Y/n: Am I the only one that is a little concerned?

Allison: Nope. 

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