Part 25: Number One

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Luther: Wait, uh, what about, um, Number One?

Fei: What about him? 

Luther: Where is he? 

Ben: (Ben stabs a knife into the table) That's what we'd like to know.  (Everyone stares at him 

Luther: Are we playing a game? 

Anala: (whispers) So she was right, you are the dumb one.  

Ben: Whatever game the Umbrellas are playing, you're gonna lose!  You took our Number One, so we took you. 

Luther: Wait, we took Marcus? [chuckles] Why would we do that? 

Jayme: Act of war? Death wish? 

Sloane: The last time we saw him,he was with your sister.

Luther: Which one? 

Fei: The little one with the big powers. 

Luther: Vanya? Huh.  Well, I gotta say, it does not sound like Vanyato go and kidnap anybody.  [chuckles] You know, having said that, I am usually the last to knowabout these kinda things. 

Ben: You're their Number One.Shouldn't you know everything? 

Luther:  I know. You'd think so, Ben. Discipline has never really beenour strong suit.  It's pretty mucha free-for-all over there. [chuckles] So, listen. This sounds like an easy fix. I'll head back. I mean, my family's probablyworried sick about me, to be honest. And if they have your guy,I'll send him back without a scratch. All right? No harm, no foul. How's that sound? Good?  Great.

(Luther goes to stand up but Ben reaches a tentacle under the table, pulling him back down)

Ben: What's the rush?Stick around till Marcus is back. 

 [Christopher speaks menacingly]

Luther:  My family will come for me. 

Ben:  Wonderful. 

Anala: In the meantime, make yourself at home. 

(Ben stands up and puts his plate in the sink)

Ben:Oh, and, uh...  before I forget, if you try to escape, Fei's birds will peck your eyes outand make a nest inside your skull. 

Fei: [chuckles] 

(everyone starts to get up and bring their plates to the sink.)

Luther: Cool.

(Ben nods to Christopher earning a Death glare from sloane and everyone but Sloane and Luther leave and go to their rooms) 

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