Part 94: Villian

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Five: Little advice from two people who's been there? Don't do the math.

Y/n:That equation does not exist

Vikor: What does that mean?

Five: There's no "save five Harlan'sfor every two Claire's" formula. 

Y/n: People like us, we will never save enough livesto make up for the ones that we take. 

Viktor: I don't accept that. 

Five: Then you'll drown. 

Y/n: And once you do, We can't help you anymore. The world isn't that easy for people like us. This is the price of being powerful.Sometimes we step on ants. And it's hard, but we have to learn that it's a fact of life. Is it fair, no. But neither is the world we live in.

Five: And the sooner you face that,the safer we'll all be.

Viktor: What is that supposed to mean?

Five: It means you're very dangerous,Viktor Hargreaves. The decisions you makeimpact the entire world. So no matter how benevolent they may seem, you don't get to make them alone. 

Y/n: You know what they calla superhero who works alone

Five: and doesn't listen to anybody

Viktor: A vigilante?

Y/n:  A villain.

Viktor: I am not a villain, Guys. 

Y/n: Not yet

Five: And, Viktor, We hope to God you never will be. But that remains to be seen. 

Y/n: Only time will tell.

Viktor: But neither of you are villians.

Y/n: A lot of people would disagree with you there V. 

Five: We've done a lot of bad stuff.

Viktor: But it was all to save the world. 

Y/n: Your right. It was. But that doesn't seem to matter. We did what we needed to do to survive and to help the world survive. But it cost us a lot. 

Five: After knowing everything we've done, no one can look at us as hero's

Y/n: The point it, no more going rogue. If you ever need anything, We're always here for you. 

Five: But lie to us again... 

Y/n: Viktor, we'll kill you ourselves.

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