Part 34: Mothers

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*Back with The Umbrella Academy*

(Diego, Viktor, and Allison are all sitting around a table drinking when Five, Klaus and Y/n coming running in through the door of the hotel.)

 Five: Okay, gather round, people. 

(Everyone stands up and gathers around a table as Five put down the jornal that Klaus was given)

Y/n: Where is-- Where's every-- Where's Luther? 

Allison: Haven't seen him. 

Diego: Who knows? 

Five:  Anybody know where-- 

Y/n: Okay, you know what?  We got bigger problemsto worry about right now. 

Allison: Like what? 

Five: This. (Five opens the book showing the page with 7 women on it, all that supposedly died suddenly on the day they were supposed to be born) 

Viktor: Who are they?

Five: These are our mothers. 

Klaus: (reaches over and points to one of the women) That one's mine. 

Y/n: They're all dead.  They all died on the exact same day, 

Five and Y/n: October 1st, 1989.

Viktor: That's our birthday. 

Five: Not anymore, it isn't.  They all died before we were born. 

Diego: That's dumb.If we weren't born, how can we exist? 

Y/n: Exactly. 

Viktor: What are you saying? 

Five:  We're saying, when we jumped here,we created a time paradox. All right? 

Y/n: And not just any paradox. This is the grandfather paradox. 

Klaus: What the hell is a grandfather paradox?

Diego: What does that even mean?

Y/n: Not sure, but it could mean a possible 3rd apocalypse. 

Viktor: Wait, I'm confused on something?

Five: What?

Viktor: There are 7 women here. So that means one mom for each of us.

Allison: Yeah, Obviously

Viktor: But Y/n exists in this timeline as Anala. 

Diego: Maybe it's someone else's mom that was mixed in with ours.

(Y/n grabs the journal and looks at the women)

Y/n: Nope (She puts the journal down and points to one of the women) That one's mine.

Allison: How do you know that?

Y/n: When Harold shot me in our first timeline, I.. I died..., for a while. When I died I saw the day of my birth, I saw her. My mother died in childbirth that day.  This time she died before she gave birth. 

Diego: Then how does Anala exsist? 

Y/n: Good Question. 

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