Part 66: I Told you.

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*Back with the Umbrella Academy*

Luther: We should've given them Harlan. 

Viktor: Luther. 

Diego: What about Harlan? 

Luther: The Sparrows said if we turned him over,we could end the fighting and then work together to save the world.  But if we didn't-- 

Viktor: But we tried to make peace. Okay, and then the step-siblings from hellattacked, kidnapped you,  and they tried to kill us. I mean, come on. We can't trust them. Working together would be like tryingto defuse a bomb by pouring gas on it.  It's only gonna make thingsburn down faster. 

Y/n: But you didn't think that this was something we should have all known? How can we all work together if all of us keep information from each other.

Klaus:But don't we need the big bad glow-y thingin their basement? 

Y/n: I'm sorry, What now?

Five: Klaus, do you knowwhere the Kugelblitz is? 

Klaus: Oh, yeah. I saw it. [dramatic gasp] When I went to visit Dad. It's in the old storage roomwhere Mom used to keep all her luggage. 

Y/n: Again with the not telling each other. 

Diego: Why didn't you tell anyone? 

Klaus: I did. I told you! (He points to Diego)

Diego: You say stupid shit all the time! 

Five: Of course.It appeared in the same place we did. 

Diego:...important stupid shit. 

Klaus: That's not your fault?  I'm inside your brain,pulling levers and stuff? Serious... 

Five: You don't think the Kugelblitz... 

(Y/n notices Vitkor walking away as Luther follows him and everyone starts to talk over each other until Y/n finally has enough)


(Y/n starts to create big gust of wind yo get everyone's attention)

Y/n: For the love of the asshole father we had, stop it.

(Klaus laughs)

Y/n: The world is ending and we still can't stop fighting. So let's all calm down and think this through 

Diego: Where the hell did Luther and Viktor go? 

(She points in the direction they went as everyone starts to walk over to them in enough time for them to hear Luther say.) 

Luther: Stop covering for him

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