Part 154: Queen

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*Post credit scene*

(The screen slowly goes black after the credits stop rolling. The camera cuts to Five walking the streets after leaving Viktor. Reaching into his pocket one more time he pulls out something that wasn't in there before. Looking at it he finds Y/n's swiss army knife. The same one she had brought everywhere since she got stuck in the apocalypse. Five looked at it, grazing his thumb over the front of it and smiles as a tear drop down his cheek. He didn't know what came next. His family was separated. Y/n was gone, but he held that knife close to his heart, wishing Y/n was there with him but she wasn't and he had to figure out how to move on without her. He starts to walk again and the screen goes back to black)

( A few seconds later a picture starts to come into focus. The screen shows a picture of earth from a distance then the camera turns around to show  an island that seems to be floating in the middle of space. As the camera gets closer, it shows a huge black castle with a driveway leading up to it. The camera gets closer and closer to the door where a sign is seen above the door that reads "Queen of the Elements". The camera starts going upward, scaling the castle wall until it reaches a balcony where a young women stood with her face turned away from the camera. Her hair was a bright red, and she wore a beautiful black dress with red and blue accents and upon her head rested a beautiful crown. the women turns around, her eyes glowing blue as she looks out into the distance and walks toward the edge the of balcony as the camera zooms into her face as she smirks and you see that the Queen of the Elements is... Y/n. Then the screen goes black.)

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