Part 138: Bouncy castle

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(Exiting the portal and looking around, Anala find herself, Klaus, and Luther in a wide field with a big brown barn)

Klaus: Come on! I had to die, like, a million timesbefore figuring that one out.

Anala: (laughs) I think he would have preferred you to hit the mountain.

(Luther grabs Klaus by the throat lifting him up causing Anala's eyes to widen)

Klaus: Again? 

Luther: Yes, again.

(Luther throws him through the barn and he disappears. Anala shrugged and walked through the barn, falling into a big bouncy castle.)

Anala: This is someone's idea of heaven? 

Klaus: I know, right? 

 (Luther falls through the sky  into the bounce house and starts to struggle to get up)

Luther: What the-

(Luther looks around as Klaus pushes himself up with his hands so he's sitting up and Anala moves to the side allowing the brothers to continue their quarrel.)

Klaus: Hey, buddy.

Luther: You! 

Klaus: No! 

(Both of them start to struggle and wrestle each other as Anala sits in the corner watching them with an amused look on her face)

 Luther: Get back here! Get back here! 

Klaus: That tickles! Let me go!

Luther: You. You may not be able to feel pain. but I can throw you through wallsfor all eternity, Klaus. You will never get a momentof peace and quiet. I will never stop. 

Anala: That sounds exhausting.

Luther: I don't care, I'll still do it, and  I will have fun

(Klaus stands up as Luther stays on his knees in front of him)

Klaus: No, no, no, no, no. The Void is my house. It might be a bouncy house, but it's mine! 

(Luther stands up)

Luther: You don't wanna help the family, fine. 

Anala: Really that's fine with you?

Luther: (ignoring her)But the love of my lifeis walking into hell.

Klaus: I don't even know if I can.I mean, who knows where they even went. 

Anala: I do. 

(Both Boys turn to look at her, shock written on both their faces) 

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