Part 90: Murderous Mother

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Diego: Mom? 

Grace: You have no right to do that.

Luther: We're a little busy here, Grace. 

(Diego starts to walk towards Grace and Y/n sees him)

Y/n: (Shouts while using her power) DIEGO! Please for the love of god, do not do anything stupid, Cause right now I can't step in and save your ass. That's not our mother Dee. In this timeline she really is just a robot. 

Grace: The day of vengeancewas in my heart... 

Diego: What are you talking about? 

Grace:  ...and my year of redemption hath come. 

(Luther starts to move toward Grace, staying behind Diego as Grace holds up a flame throwing and turns it on causing a flame to go throw the basement and Diego and Luther to move out of the way before they got blasted)

Diego: Shit! 

Grace:[in robotic voice]The day of vengeance was in my heart, and my year of redemption hath come. 

Anala: Can someone take care of her please?

Y/n: How did she even get a flamethrower.

Anala: I may or may not have one in my room Get it together. 

Y/n: Why do you have a flamethrower?

Anala: Because before a couple days ago I didn't know that part of my powers was practly being a human flamethrower.

Y/n: So you went out and bought one instead? 

Anala: Yeah. 

Y/n: And I thought my family was weird.

Fei: Can you 2 go back to focusing on saving the world please?

Y/n: It's a little hard when there is a murderous robot with a flamethrower trying to stop us from trapping "god" 

Five: We'll handle her okay, you both just focus

(Anala and Y/n turn their focus back on the Kugelblitz and continue to shrink it as Allison, Fei, Ben, and Five hide from the flames

Luther: Shit! 

Diego: Hey, Mom, Mom, Mom! It's Diego. Don't make us hurt you. 

Grace: The day of vengeance was in my heart... (she shoots the flamethrower at Diego)

Diego: Whoa! 

Grace: ...and my year of redemptionhath come! 

(Lila turns her attention to Diego for a second)

Sloane: Lila, I need you.

(She turns back to the Kugelblitz and Y/n sees Five step up)

Y/n: Five be careful.

Five: Don't worry darling, I'll be okay.

(Y/n smiles and nods as Five blinks to the robot and blinks her upstairs to kill her as Y/n focuses back on the Kugelblitz) 

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