Part 36: Lila

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(Five and Y/n walk to the second floor bathroom to find Lila taking a bubble bath)

Y/n: We can't wait till she's done (She whispers to five) 

Five: She could try and run, We can't take that risk (he whispers back) 

Five: (out loud) The hell are you doing in here? 

Lila:Shaving my nest, you little perv. 

(Y/n rolls her eyes and leans against the back wall.)

Five: Don't flatter yourself, Lila. I like my women a little less likely to kill me in my sleep.

Lila: You think Y/n can't kill you in your sleep.

Five: Oh, I know she can. But I know she won't 

Lila: Why so sure?

Y/n: Because I'm not a psychopath, you nut.

Lila: We're learning so much about each other.

Five:  Mm.

(Lila grabs a knife and throws it at five but he blinks away so it hits the wall)

Y/n: Here we go again.

(She stays leaning against the wall as  lila blinks to follow Five they start to fight. Eventually Lila grabs the knife again and tries to stab Five but before she could Y/n stepped in and froze her in her place so that only her head was left unfrozen. Five stood up and went to Y/n's side ans gave her a kiss on the cheek)

Five: Thank you love.

Y/n: Anytime (She saw Lila trying to copy her power again and it not working) Lila, you know you can't copy my powers.

Lila: Fine I surrender, Just unfreeze me.

(Y/n unfreezes Lila and hands her a towel that she wraps around her body so she is covered)

 Lila: I'd forgotten how much I hate you,you puny little turds. 

Five: The feeling's mutual, Lila. As much as I'd love to stand hereshivving each other,

Y/n: Don't forget freezing. 

Five: (laughs at her comment) We have bigger concerns than you. 

Lila: Yeah? Like what? 

Y/n and Five: (look at each other and back at her) What do you knowabout the grandfather paradox?

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