Part 18: Doppelgangers

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(You wake up a little later next to Five and he's still asleep. You get up slowly and take a shower and change.)

Five: Y/N!

(Y/n ran into the  bedroom to find Five with a worried look on his face. Once he saw her, he ran and gave her a hug)

Y/n: Are you okay?

Five: Yeah, I woke up and you weren't here. I just got nervous. 

Y/n: I'm okay I promised.

(Five smiles and goes to take a shower. 10 minutes later he comes out wearing a robe.)

Five: Let's go get some food. 

Y/n: Your not going to change?

Five: Nope.

Y/n: Okay then, let's go 

(Y/n and Five go down to the lobby and Find Klaus, Diego, and Luther sitting and eating Chinese take out)

Klaus: You should try chewing.You might actually taste the food. 

 Luther: I haven't eaten in days. (Five and Y/n sit down with them at the table) What's wrong? You look happy. 

Five: I am plenty happy. Had a nap and a shvitz.What does a man need? 

Klaus: Brothers who don't eat like barn animals? (Diego and Luther look up at Klaus)

Y/n: That's never going to happen. (Diego glares at her) But I love you both regardless. (Luther and Diego smiles at Y/n and Klaus laughs)

 Five: So I've been thinkingthrough our little timeline snafu, and I'm pleased to reportthat in my professional, expert opinion, we are totally in the clear. 

Diego: What about you Y/n? 

Y/n: Everything seems to be fine so far. 

Klaus: Awesome! 

Luther: Huh! 

 Diego: Great. 

Luther: Yeah. So everything's totally fine? 

Five: More or less. I mean, there is one... small thing. It's nothing we can't manage. 

Diego: So spit it out, Boomer! (he spits out a bit of his food) 

Y/n: And how about you try NOT to spit it out, Diego

Five: Fine, Diego, it's like this.

Y/n: Dad didn't adopt us as babies,but those babies still existed here. 

Klaus: Aww! 

Five: We just grew up in different placeswith different people. 

Diego:  So? 

Y/n: So where are they now? 

Five: Odds are, we each have identical versions of ourselves walking around out there,living completely different lives. Except for Y/n's who is in the Sparrow Academy 

Luther: Our doppelgängers! 

Klaus: That's a made-up word. 

Y/n: Technically all words are made up 

Klaus: Very True.

Luther:  No, no! I learned all about this in Texas. Tell him aboutthe paranoid psychosis, Five. 

Y/n: Paradox Psychosis

Diego:  Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa!I thought you said this wasn't a problem. 

Five:  Okay, yes, technically, if you're nearyour doppel for long, you'll go insane. 

Diego: But Y/n was talking with Anala, Why isn't she experiencing paradox whatever it is.

Y/n: Not sure, Still trying to figure that out. 

Five: So, if you see your other self-- 

Diego: Kill them. 

Klaus: Sleep with them. 

Five: Avoid them. 

Y/n: Klaus, are you okay? 

Luther: What is wrong with you?

Klaus: Come on. As if you wouldn't climb Luther Mountain. 

 Diego: Wait. How are we supposed to guaranteewe don't cross paths with ourselves?

Five: Easy. We're the Benetton adof superheroes, born all around the worlduntil Dad brought us here, which he no longer did. Doppels probably aren't evenin the same time zone as us. 

Luther: That's true. 

Diego: Yeah. (Five starts to eat some of the takeout)

Y/n: So just don't be a dumbass and seek them out.

Five: Would you pass the moo shu? (Y/n grabs the moo shu and hands it to Five) Would you like some, Love?

Y/n: No, I'm okay, I'm not hungry

Klaus: I don't know.  Doesn't it seem kind of rude that Dad unadopting us didn't change anything? I'm offended. 

Diego: (looks behind him before putting down his food)Hold up. 

Y/n: (whispers to Diego) You okay.

Diego: Yeah just give me a second

Five: I never said that, Klaus.

Diego: I'll be right back.

Klaus: How are we gonna knowwhere it changed?

Y/n: We don't.

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