Part 19: We won

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Klaus: How are we gonna know where it changed?

Y/n: We don't. Things are always changing. But at this point does it really matter

Five: The point is, we did it.We saved the world. We stopped the apocalypse. And made it home safe in time for dinner.

Y/n: Give or take a couple day, or months, (points to Luther and Klaus) or for some of us, years.

Five: So whatever Dad changed, whatever timeline we're in now... 

(The hotel manger walks behind them carrying a leash and whistling before walking away, and Y/n looks at him with a strange look)

Five: we can handle it. We won. 

Y/n: We won. 

Luther: We won

Klaus: Yeah. 

Luther: All right. 

Klaus: All right.

(They finish eating and head back to their rooms. Five went into the bathroom and Y/n stood by the window looking out at the city. She had a feeling that something was going to happen. A feeling of impending doom. Could something actually be happening? Or is it just that she finally escaped pending doom after 45 years of constantly looking over her shoulder? The truth is she didn't know how to feel calm, She never did. Five had said they were retired now but She wasn't ready for that. And she never would be. That's not who she is. Lost in her thoughts she started playing with the air round her. She moved is like Anala had taught her. She stared at it, deep in her own thought.)

Five: How are you doing that? 

(Startled Y/n quickly drops her arm making the air go back to normal)

Five: Were you controlling air?

Y/n: (sighed) Yeah.

Five: But how?

Y/n: Anala taught me.

Five: When? 

Y/n: This morning

Five: You saw Anala this morning!?

Y/n: You were still a sleep and vanya wanted to go to the Sparrow Academy and I joined. I thought that id me and Anala are the same person then we have each others powers and it turns out, We do. 

Five: So you can control all 4 elements now? 

Y/n: Yeah. Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you.

Five: Baby, It's okay. (He kissed her forehead) I understand. And I'm happy for you. How about we go to bed.

(Y/n nods and lays down with Five, He falls asleep quickly but Y/n couldn't seem to. She just couldn't shake the feeling that something is off) 

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