Part 108: Let's dance

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(Everyone goes back inside as the music starts playing Sloane and Luther start dancing under the disco ball while everyone else goes to get drinks. When everyone gets back they watch the couple dance when the fog machine goes off) 

Five: This is officially worsethan the apocalypse. (Y/n hits his shoulder)

Y/n: Come on Five, let the kids have their fun. 

(Diego takes Lila's hand and they start dancing together, Klaus starts spinning around,  Viktor walks away and Allison sits down as Y/n and Five start dancing together. Ben tries to walk away but Anala stops him)

Anala: Come on Ben, Let's have some fun.

Ben: I thought you weren't a sparrow anymore.

Anala: I'm not, but I'm still your sister. Come one. Let's dance.

Ben: No

Anala: Please, for your favorite sister.

Ben: (sighs) Fine.

(They both start dancing. Ben not so well but as he dances a smile starts to grow on his face. A couple minutes later Five goes to grab a drink and Y/n walks up to Allison)

Y/n: Would you like to dance? (She extends her hand)

(Allison smiles and takes it and Y/n and Allison starts to dance together, spinning each other around and laughing. 10 minutes later everyone sits down to eat. Luther and Sloane sit at their own table. Y/n, and Five sit at their own table. Ben sits at a table alone because he wanted to and Viktor sits at a table on his own. Diego and Lila sit at the table next to Y/n's and Five's table.)

Klaus: Cinco! Ocho! (Klaus come up to their table)

Five: Oh God. What do you want? 

Klaus: Listen to me, Dad is upstairs right nowwith a plan to save everything. So what say we pop upto the suite for a little chitchat?

Five: Are you like Frick and Frackwith the old man now?

Klaus: This dad's different. He's a turtle. Hard on the outside, but all cute and wrinkly and occasionally delicious on the inside. 

Y/n: Klaus, in every timeline, Sir Reginald Hargreeves is the exact same

Five: Old dogs like us and him never change. He has never hadour best interests at heart. 

(Klaus leaves, Five starts drinking and Anala and Allison walk up and sit with Y/n and Five. All of a sudden the elevator bings again. Everyone watches it as it opens to find their dad.)

Anala and Y/n: (together) This is not going to end well. 

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