Part 33: Let you go

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*With the Sparrow Academy*

(The whole Sparrow academy minus Marcus is in the living room talking about Diego attacking Jayme and Alphonso at the convenience store and how he had a child with him)

Jayme: You were basicallyscreaming for help. 

Alphonso: I wasn't screaming.I was kicking his ass. 

Anala: Are you sure? Jayme's description sounds more accurate to me.

(Anala smirks and Jayme gives her a high five)

Jayme: (continuing) You couldn't breathe, but... 

(She gets cut off by Luther walking into the room wearing a sparrow academy jacket)

Fei: Doesn't look likeyour family is coming anytime soon. 

Luther:  Oh, no, I'm sure they're just, you know, working outthe final details and... (Ben gets up and starts walking toward him)...such. 

Anala: (Whispers to rest of the academy) Doubt it. 

(Fei, Jayme, and Alphonso begin to laugh while Christopher makes a weird noise and Sloane hit her lightly on the shoulder)

Anala: What, I'm not wrong. 

Ben:  Relax. You're free to go. 

(Luther tilts his head with a suspicious look on his face) 

Luther: Why? 

Ben: Gesture of goodwill.

Jayme: (Whispers to Anala) And for entertainment.

(Anala snickers at her comment and gives her a fist bump) 

Ben: But I want you to pass alonga very important message to your family. 

Luther: Yeah, of course.

Ben:  Let Marcus go. And if any of you hurt one hair on him,we'll come for you. 

(Anala steps up creating a  strong gust of wind that flew around the room as the house began to shake)

Anala: All of you.  (Her eyes flash white for a second before going back to normal and everything stops shaking) And I promisewe won't be so hospitable next time. 

Luther: Super don't like being threatened, Anala and Ben. 

Fei: You'll do as we say, or else... (Fei releases a bunch of crows that start flying around the room)

Luther: Birds. In my brain. Got it. 

Anala:  Don't forget your tote bag.

(Alphonso hands him a tote bag with Sparrow Academy Merch in it)

Ben:  Hope you enjoyed your stay

Anala: And never to see you again. 

(Luther turns around and walks away) 

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