Part 144: The Fight

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(Sloane, Y/n, and Five try to fight the guardian while Ben continued to lean against the wall. Once Five and Sloane were out of the way, after gaining some bruises and cuts, one of which being on Five's cheek, Y/n started blasting Fire at the guardian causing him to back up. As it continued to back up, Y/n managed to corner it in a laundry room. Looking at the guardian Y/n realized that it wasn't being affected by her fire even though she was losing energy, and fast. Y/n tried to push harder to make the flames grow and to make them hotter but she only hurt herself more, causing her powers to falter and her to fall to the floor as the guardian remained unscathed. Five quickly grabs Y/n out of the way and brings her behind one of the washer where the others were hiding.) 

Five: Y/n. Love, are you okay? 

Y/n: Yeah, Yeah I'm fine just... an overload. (She looks around the washer to peer at the guardian) Shit, How is he still unharmed? 

Ben: (sarcastically) Clearly he's not affected by fire.

Y/n: Maybe not but if you keep using that tone with me I will prove that you are affected by fire. Understood? 

(Ben doesn't respond, instead turning to Five who was holding Y/n in his lap)

Ben: You've hit him with your ax five times and Y/n's been blasting him with fire for the past five minutes.He should be dead by now. 

Y/n: (Sarcastically) Oh really. I would have never guessed. Maybe. just maybe. this thing isn't exactly human.

Five: The armor. It's like hitting cement. 

Sloane: There's a space between the backplates. 

Y/n: We need to get behind him. 

Sloane: Let's kill this thing. 

Ben: Sloane

Five: Wait--

(She didn't listen as she starts running to distract the guardian as Five grabs the ax and blinks away) 

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