Part 84: Plot Twist

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Allison: I know Harlan killed all of our mothers. 

Diego: What? 

Luther: Whoa

Five: What? 

Luther: Shit. 

Lila: Bloody plot twist. (Lila take a bite of a twizzler) 

Viktor: Who told you that? 

Allison: Harlan. After you lied about it to my face. 

Diego: Is that true, Viktor?Harlan started all this? 

Viktor: Yeah, but he didn't meanto hurt anyone. He-- 

Five: How do you know? 

Viktor: Because I knew him. And he was sweetand kind until I made him like us. Okay? So, I screwed him up.  And if you need someone to blame,I'm right here-

Allison: What makes you think I don't? 

Viktor: This wasn't about saving the world. This was about hurting me. Payback for--

Allison: (stand up and walks towards Viktor) Go on. Say her name. 

Luther: (stands up) You know what? Maybe we should all justtake a minute-(Allison puts up a hand)- Okay. 

Viktor: Did killing Harlan bring Claire back? 

Allison: Did protecting him bring Sissy back? It was just as personal for you-- 

Viktor: I didn't kill anyone! 

Allison: But you risked everyone!Do you know what that felt like? Watching you fight harder to protect the man who helped destroy my daughter than you ever did to bring her back?2

Viktor: I don't know how to bring Claire back. Okay? No one does.But I was there for you. I tried. I was--

Allison: To what? Help me grieve? The only one to do that was Y/n. God, this whole family is so quick to tell me to suck up my pain and so worried about fixing yours! Somebody had to pay because you never seem to. Destroy the world,kill Pogo, almost kill Y/n, put us all in danger and for what? So we can all run around and clean up your mess? I'm sick of it. Harlan was just another victim of your actions.

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