Part 44: Ice Age

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Five: Oh, brilliant idea, Lila.Welcome to the Ice Age. 

Y/n: (turns around and sees the commission) Well that's not good)

Five: What?

Lila: Shut up and just look.

(Five turns around and squints to look at the building about a quarter a mile away. He leans a little closer in order to see the building throughout the quick falling snow until a look of realization swept his face.)

Five: The Commission. 

(Lila lets out a maniacal laugh earning a death glare from Y/n. Y/n looks back at Five and she grabs his hand)

Y/n and Five: Shit.

(Lila starts running to the commission and Five and Y/n soon follow her. Lila runs inside and Five and Y/n walk to the commission.)

Y/n: Are you okay?

Five: Yeah I'm fine

Y/n: Are you sure? You're hand feels like it's about to freeze off.

Five: I'm a little cold.

Y/n: A little? 

(Y/n looks at him and sees he's shaking. She lets out a small laugh)

Five: What's so funny?

Y/n: Nothing.

(Y/n stopped walking making Five hault too.)

Five: Okay I get it, you can with stand the cold, but I can't and I'm freezing so can we get inside please?

(Y/n simple smiles before pulling Five in for a long kiss. As she kissed him, she used her power to transfer heat to Five so he wouldn't be cold. Five wrapped her arms around her and she wrapped her arms around her neck.  She pulled back slowly as Five smiled and kissed her on the forehead)

Five: Thank you love.

Y/n: Of course, darling.

(They both let go of each other and grabbed each others hands once again before starting to walk toward the commission as they saw Lila still running to get inside)

Five: I didn't know you could do that.

Y/n: Really? How did you think you stayed warm during the winters in the apocalypse?

Five: That was you?

Y/n: No it was your other girlfriend that has fire powers (sarcastically)

Five: Why didn't you tell me?

Y/n: You didn't need to know. 

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