Part 129: The Afterlife

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*With Anala*

(Anala had woken up in what she assumed to be the afterlife. She had met up again with Marcus, Fei, Jayme, Alphonso and Chris. She smiled as she walk throughout the academy. There were many different noises as everyone did their own thing. That made her smile because she didn't remember the last time the academy was full of so much life. She decided to go for a walk outside it when she exited the academy she desolate looking land, almost like a desert. Off in the distance she saw the remanence of a building and as she approached she heard someone talking) 

???: When we say reality,  what do we really mean In the 1800s, the best minds of the age  theorized we live in a clockwork cosmos. In the Quantum Age, time and spaceare suspected to be a holograph. Ancient people believed we rode on the back of four flying turtles or on the horns of a white buffalo. 

(Getting closer Anala saw that it was a TV talking with 2 figures in from of it that she recognized. Klaus and Luther? Why are they here?)

Luther: Wow!  Makes you feel tiny, huh? 

Klaus: Why would you put pineapple on a pizza? 

Luther: You know, when you think about it, we are just  tiny specks of sand in a desert full of other sand. 

Klaus: I mean, it's a garnishfor cocktails, at best. 

Anala: So this is your paradise?

(She catches both the boys off guard when causing them to whip around. Seeing the girl both of their eyes widen.)

Klaus: (after a second) Anala?

Anala: Hello again.

Klaus: (takes a deep breathe) For a second I thought you were Y/n. 

Anala: She's not dead, is she?

Klaus: Last time I check, she was alive.

Luther: But they are all with dad so who knows how long that might last. 

Anla: I'm guessing he killed you both as well? 

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